Rango movie poster

We are thrilled to announce that Esther Kim from Princeton, Elysa Greenberger from Vassar and Kun Leng from Key Club Int. Capital District Div. 12 all won private screenings of the new hit movie, RANGO, featuring Johnny Depp. If you don’t know them yet, get to know them now, so you can check out a free movie! We hope the winners enjoy the movie and get to recruit some folks to come out and participate in their INSPI(RED) SOCCER tournament.

We also want to send out a huge thank you to all who registered to host an INSPI(RED) SOCCER tournament to date. There’s still time to schedule one, so if you are interested, check out grassrootsoccer.org or email INSPIREDSOCCER@grassrootsoccer.org for more information.

And if you want to know more about Rango, check out www.RangoMovie.com.