Adolescents deserve quality comprehensive sexuality education, access to sexual and reproductive health services, and the means to exercise their sexual and reproductive rights.

The Need

Graph 2of2 55% 50% 70% 65% 60% 68% 60% of adolescentsbelieved commonmisperceptionsor had poor knowledge about the prevention of unintended pregnancy and HIV of sexually activeadolescents inSouthern Africa haveanunmet need forcontraception Maternal Conditions are the 2nd leading cause of death for young women in southern Africa are the 2nd leading cause of death for young women in southern Africa MATERNALCONDITIONS

GRS Approach

Our Impact

  • 20% Increase

    in knowledge of critical sexual health and reproductive services

  • 100% of young people

    who test positive for HIV were referred to care & treatment

  • 4 times more likely

    to test for HIV and know their status

  • 63% Improvement

    in knowledge of rape support services