On Thursday, September 10th, Grassroot Soccer South Africa received 1,000 copies of the new Skillz Coach’s DVD, which will be distributed to all Skillz Coaches as GRS rolls out the new Skillz curriculum throughout South Africa.
The result of many months of scripting, filming, and editing, the Skillz Coach’s DVD represents a long-time GRS dream to create an ongoing training tool highlighting model program delivery and presenting tips for improving facilitation skills. The DVD will serve as a supplement to the Skillz Coach’s Guide and will be used in Training of Coaches courses as well as given to each Coach to take home for continued development.
Highlighting the delivery of Skillz activities by two Skillz Master Coaches from Port Elizabeth with a group of youth from Ikhusi Primary School in Khayelitsha, Cape Town, the DVD features:
- Skillz Practices 1-8: Full demonstrations of each Skillz Practice in the Coach’s Guide
- The 11 Be’s: 11 tips for becoming a great Skillz Coach
- HIV Q&A: Answers to the most common questions that young people ask about HIV and AIDS
- Interviews: Real stories from Skillz Coaches and Skillz participants
- Special Appearances by Emmanuel Adebayor, Michael Ballack, Mabhuti Khenyeza, the Scrutinize characters, and more!
GRS is infinitely grateful to local production company Substance Films, of Cape Town, South Africa, whose inspirational creativity, tireless dedication, and deep understanding of our mission brought this project to life.
The DVD was produced with funding from USAID through GRS’ F4 South Africa project.