Date: 1/10/2013
Creator: Rebecca Hershow
Source: WHO
Date of Publication: 2003
Source Type: Literature

This WHO Report stresses the importance of making gender a central theme in HIV/AIDS programming. The report delineates between “gender-sensitive” interventions, “gender-transformative” interventions, and “interventions that empower”. Gender-transformative programming is seen as more advanced than gender-sensitive programming because it seeks “to change the underlying conditions that cause gender inequities” and reaches both men and women. The report goes on to describe “interventions that empower” as those that target women and educates them on reproductive health and HIV/AIDS and connects the participants to local health services. The report concludes that gender sensitivity in HIV/AIDS programming is absolutely necessary, but warns that gender integration must be approached carefully due to the “realities of gender inequalities within the social and economic context of any given country.”

This report supports the development of the GRS curricula. With the recent addition of “Gender Stadium” in Skillz 1.2, development of the “Generation Skillz Boosters” with mostly single-sex activities, and addition of reproductive health knowledge in Skillz Street 3.1, GRS should continue to make gender a central focus in the content of its curricula.