Date: 12/11/2012
Creator: Jeff Decelles
Source: American Journal of Epidemiology
Date of Publication: March 2012
Source Type: Literature
Link: AbstractÂ
Post-MMC risk compensation (increase of risky sexual behaviour after undoing male circumcision) is a major concern for MMC scale-up programmes. A three year follow-up comparing sexual behaviour of circumcised and uncircumcised men in Uganda shows no evidence of risk compensation. Researchers did not find significant differences in relation to condom use or alcohol use between circumcised and uncircumcised males. Furthermore, the data shows a decrease in “nonmarital relations” of circumcised men, suggesting some men actually decrease their sexual risk after undergoing circumcision.
This study will contribute to the literature review for MCUTS, which will look at self-reported sexual behaviour of circumcised and uncircumcised men in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.
Little data suggests risk compensation occurs post-MMC, yet it is often concern of funders.